“Blossom” was a popular American television sitcom that aired from 1990 to 1995. The show revolved around the life of Blossom Russo, played by Mayim Bialik, a smart and quirky teenager navigating the ups and downs of adolescence while living with her father, Nick Russo, portrayed by Ted Wass, and her two brothers, Joey Russo, played by Joey Lawrence, and Anthony Russo, played by Michael Stoyanov. Blossom’s character was known for her distinct fashion style, her love for music, and her habit of discussing her problems with her best friend, Six LeMeure, portrayed by Jenna von Oy. “Blossom” tackled various coming-of-age issues, including family dynamics, relationships, school, and the challenges of growing up. Joey Lawrence’s character, Joey Russo, became particularly well-known for his catchphrase, “Whoa!” The show was beloved for its relatable themes and memorable characters, making it a significant part of ’90s television culture. Let’s go over how to see Blossom streaming online.
Watch it for Free
Amazon Prime members can watch episodes from Seasons 1 – 5 for free. [Watch on Amazon Prime]
Buy Episodes
You can buy it by the episode via Amazon.
Blossom Russo played by Mayim Bialik
Joey Russo played by Joey Lawrence
Tony Russo played by Michael Stoyanov
Six LeMuere played by Jenna von Oy
Nick Russo played by Ted Wass
Vinnie Bonitardi played by David Lascher
Mayim Bialik “Blossom” is still an actor and Jeopardy host.
Joey Lawrence “Joey Russo” is still an actor
Michael Stoyanov “Tony Russo” is still acting.
Jenna Von Oy “Six LeMuere” is also still acting.
Ted Wass “Nick Russo”
David Lascher “Vinnie”
David Lascher and Mayim Bialik answer if there will be a Blossom Reboot.
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